MilitaryByOwner Housing Blog

5 Things We LOVE About Military Life!

Written by Jen McDonald | Fri, Feb 12, 2016 @ 13:02 PM

Valentine's Day is approaching, and love is in the air. Why not take time to look at a few other things we love along with our sweethearts?

While we all know how challenging military life can be, there are so many things we appreciate and I think most of us wouldn't trade our experiences for the world. Take a look and then see what you'd add to the...

5 Things We Love About Military Life

1. The Friends—we’re all in this together!

Stay in military circles long enough, and you’ll soon find that the unique lingo, lifestyle, and experiences have a way of bonding you as fast friends like nothing else. Not to mention that your military friends are usually the ones to step up and help if you need it! After all, you’d do the same for them.

2. Patriotism

Whether it’s hearing the playing of Taps each night, all cars on post/base stopping at the playing of the National Anthem at the end of the work day, or simply being accustomed to attending military ceremonies with all the uniforms, flags, and protocol, patriotism is part of the fabric of our lives. 

3. Creative Gifts

While you may not get specially monogrammed dainties complete with an embroidered aircraft logo like MBO writer Mary Ann Eckberg did from her hubby, you may well be the recipient of some other, um…unique presents. Well, to civilians, anyway. For military families--pretty normal! Beer steins from Germany? Marble chess board from the Middle East? We’ve got ‘em. And I’d make a bet that 9 out of 10 military spouses have a cartouche with their name on it.

4. The Travel

Our family has lived in Europe, the Pacific, and across our wonderful United States, all courtesy of Uncle Sam. Places we’d never dreamed of experiencing in person are now part of our scrapbooks and memories. What an amazing gift!

5. Our Service Member!

After all, YOU are the reason we’re living this life in the first place! We recognize how hard you work and the sacrifices you've made. We love you!

MilitaryByOwner wishes you and your family a happy Valentine's Day, whether you're together or apart this year. If you need more smiles that you can relate to, download the free e-book below!