For example, contemplating a For Sale By Owner to sell your home? A FSBO may seem intimidating for those new to buying and selling a home, but MBO has more than one way to educate yourself to see if it’s a viable option. Similar resources are available for renting, either as a tenant or property manager.
MBO has prepared a unique opportunity for its customers to access US Legal Forms. US Legal Forms is a one stop shop for many of the legal documents a consumer would need to sell or rent property.
USLF was created by lawyers to offer online buyers easy access to the legal documents they need for accomplishing not only real estate agreements, but other important personal events that occur during a normal lifetime. After two decades of business, USLF is a trusted partner of MBO to provide state specific and lawful documents for customers to utilize during important transactions.
Real Estate Home Sales Package includes:
These forms are written to accommodate each state’s laws and come with thorough explanations and definitions of terms to help simplify a process that will likely be one of the most substantial negotiations customers will encounter.
If renting your home is an option, USLF has the paperwork needed to protect yourself as well as your future tenants. Available forms include lease applications for both commercial and residential properties.
Although MBO’s partnership with USLF is centered on real estate needs, USLF provides options for other legal documents relevant to significant milestones in life, such as Last and Living Wills, Powers of Attorney and Living Trusts.
In addition, the proliferation of milspouse and veteran entrepreneurship ventures has increased the need for legal documents pertaining to small business startups and LLCs which are available through USLF.
Former Army member and current Director of Affiliate Partnerships at US Legal Forms, Ed Tyler, wishes these types of legal documents were available during his military career.
As he says, "I wish I had all the legal forms and services US Legal offers your members when I was bouncing from station to station. If you do not see what you are looking for, please e-mail me at and it would be my honor to help!" He hopes servicemembers will take advantage of their convenience today.
Readers, continue to look for other partnerships MilitaryByOwner will highlight in the upcoming weeks. Their services could greatly enhance any buying, selling, or renting transaction that might occur during an upcoming PCS.