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March 25, 2016

    Top 4 Things Military Homebuyers Love to See in a Listing


    As the traditional summer PCS season approaches, do you plan to list your home for sale? Are you wondering what a military homebuyer might be looking for?

    To find out the scoop, I contacted a successful real estate agent working in one of the fastest growing military communities. This shining star is none other than MilitaryByOwner writer and military spouse entrepreneur, Karina Gafford.

    “Inquiring minds want to know,” I asked, “What does a military homebuyer love to see in a listing?”

    Quick to respond, Gafford stated, “Granite countertops, stainless steel appliances, and a big garden tub are great selling points. But when it comes down to it, those features might help in a tie breaker but they’re not what will get a military family in the door to even consider your home.”

    Instead, take a look at what military families are really looking for when shopping for a new home!

    1) Desperately Seeking Storage

    Gafford explained, “When a military family is reading your listing, they’re looking for space. They’re choosing to live off base because they want more bang for their BAH buck. Base housing, if available, just doesn’t cut it most of the time.”

    Does your property have:

    • built-in storage, especially in the kitchen or garage?
    • an outdoor shed for storing yard and garden equipment?
    • available space in the attic or basement?

    Highlight any generous storage features in your home listing!

     2) Clean as a Whistle

    “They [military homebuyers] are also looking for clean,” Gafford remarks. “If your home ad photos show clutter, then your number of showings will be far lower than those of a similar house with half the amount of stuff in it; less is more!” 

    Do: Roll up your sleeves and deep clean those nooks and crannies.

    Don’t: Stash stuff out of sight. Instead, rid the clutter and showcase the available storage in each tidy cupboard and closet.

    When your home is squeaky clean, show off all of your hard work! Consider hiring a professional photographer to fully capture what you love about your house. Picture perfect photos may picque interest from those browsing online.

    3) Safe and Sound

    When scrolling through property listings on MilitaryByOwner.com, a potential buyer may zero in on a photo or a property description if it includes a backyard fence. A fenced property offers a sense of privacy and security. As Gafford says, “They're looking for a fenced yard. Fido and the kids need enclosure!”

    4) That Little Something Extra

    As mentioned in the first point, a military homebuyer wants their housing allowance to go further than it would in installation housing. If a property has a bonus room, this may be a big plus. “Increasingly, military families are looking for loft space for either a game room or comfortable second living area,” Gafford describes, “so if you’ve got it, flaunt it in that listing.” 

    She concludes, “Once you’ve checked the boxes--space, clean, fence, and loft--then it’s time to highlight the sexy words--granite, stainless, and garden tub--to get that house sold or rented, pronto!”

    If the price is right in comparison with the market, your “must-see” listing will soon be a “must-buy”!

    For further tips on selling your home, check out this FREE E-Book from MilitaryByOwner. 


    Mary Ann Eckberg


    Mary Ann Eckberg

    Originally from Nebraska, Mary Ann Eckberg is a writer, a dreamer, an animal rescue softie, a laundry ninja, a football fanatic, and a cupcake connoisseur. Honored to be a military spouse, Mary Ann collects good friends and good memories at every assignment.