MilitaryByOwner Housing Blog

How to Travel with Your Dog on a Plane

Written by Guest Blogger | Tue, Sep 08, 2020 @ 17:09 PM

People that travel or move a lot often want to take their beloved animals with them. They're an integral part of the family, and it's not even an option to leave them behind. If you're traveling by air, you'll be happy to know you can take your furry friend with you. 

Certain airlines allow pets on board, and others will let you book your dog in as cargo. We give you a breakdown of what you should expect when taking your pet on a plane.


How to Travel With Your Dog on a Plane

Airline Regulations

The first step is to contact your airline to find out if they allow pets to travel. If you haven't booked your flight yet, then you can check which airlines allow animals and which one best fits your needs. 

Policies vary between the different carriers, and some have restrictions against dogs that are very large, too young, or a particular breed. Ask as many questions as possible to find out what the requirements are and what’s allowed. 

Health Check

Before booking a flight, take your pooch to the vet to get a once over to get the all-clear. You might need to get a health certificate depending on what the airlines require. Even if it's not requested, it's good practice for you to get one anyway. 

The document shows that your pet has had all their shots and is not currently carrying any diseases. Visiting the vet will also allow you to discuss sedatives and other options available to help calm your dog on the plane. 

Most vets won't recommend anything as it could interfere with your dog's breathing patterns, but in rare cases, they might prescribe a calming remedy. 


Pet Carrier

You'll need to find an appropriate carrier for your dog. It needs to be big enough to fit your pooch comfortably and be approved by the aviation industry. The airlines will usually provide you with dimension limits. Choose a carrier that's comfortable for your dog, and large enough so that they can stand and turn around inside. 

If you're not sure which one is best, you'll find that dog product reviews are one of the most important resources for finding out which are the best. To ease your pet's anxiety while traveling, line the carrier with dry fur pads which can comfort them in case of any accidents.


Pet Passport

Make sure that you have the proper identification markings and documents on the day of the flight. Not only must you have the details of your pet, but your contact information as well. 

Ensure that they are clearly marked on the carrier, your dog's collar, and the pet passport or traveling documentation. It makes communication a lot easier should anything happen along the way.

Day of the Flight

Proper planning will make this day a lot easier for you and your pet. If possible, take your dog for a long walk before leaving for the airport. It will tire them out, and they're more likely to sleep on the plane. 

Give your pooch food and water within four hours of your trip to the airport. Attach a small bag of dog food to the top of its kennel; you only need to put enough to sustain it for 24 hours. Give yourself extra time if you're checking your dog in. You'll need to provide information on when you last fed your dog and answer some general health questions. 

Final Thoughts

Our pets are a part of the family. If we go on vacation or move to another town, we naturally want to take them with us. If you're flying, find out which airlines allow pets to travel and what the requirements are. Make sure you have the correct size carrier for your dog in which it can move around and lie down comfortably. 

Visit the vet before planning the trip to get your pooch checked for any health issues which might prevent them from traveling. Finally, make sure you have the correct documentation and arrive a bit earlier to the airport to get through the checkpoints without any hassles or stress.