Tips for Living Within Your BAH
Budgeting. How many of us have broken our budgets before? And an even bigger question would be, how many of us bother to set one?
When calculated correctly, a budget offers financial freedom and the peace of mind that you’re spending money that you accounted for. As it's one of the more significant categories, budgeting for housing expenses is a great place to start. For military families who PCS frequently, the cost of housing fluctuates often, so it requires constant re-evaluation and, with it, a substantial component of a military member's budget, the Basic Housing Allowance.
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Understand Your BAH
“The Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) is a U.S.-based allowance prescribed by geographic duty location, pay grade, and dependency status. It provides uniformed Service members equitable housing compensation based on housing costs in local civilian housing markets within the United States when government quarters are not provided.” — Defense Travel Management Office
How the government calculates your BAH isn’t random; it's intentional. The DOD looks at over 300 military housing areas across the U.S., pulls rental data, and considers the average cost of utilities for the area.
But here’s what you might not realize. The BAH isn’t intended to cover 100% of your housing expenses—95% is more accurate. That leaves the other 5% coming from the remainder of your paycheck. Is 5% a lot? As far as percentages are concerned, no. But depending on where you live, that 5% can equate to several hundred dollars.
Start With the Basics
First, what does living within your BAH mean to you? Your Basic Housing Allowance isn’t your budget. You create your budget. So, how far do you want your BAH to stretch?
Do you want your living expenses, rent/mortgage, and utilities (electric, gas, water, sewage, and internet/cable) to fall within the allotted BAH? While your housing allowance doesn't factor in groceries and gas (unless you qualify for COLA or Basic Needs Allowance), some military families like to keep all cost-of-living expenses under the BAH umbrella when possible, though this appears to be more and more challenging in recent years.
On the other end of the spectrum, are you okay with the allowance covering only the monthly rental or mortgage payment and pulling money from your basic pay to cover utilities and other expenses?
There are no right or wrong answers here. Everyone is different. We all have personal goals and live in different locations. On top of that, your answer today might not be the same answer you gave three years ago. What might’ve worked for you in Nebraska might not work in California. Your needs and budget strategy will fluctuate and evolve as needed. And that’s okay!
The key to figuring it out? Look at your income, the cost of living, debt, and financial goals like retirement, investments, and savings.
Thinking of using your VA loan to buy a home? Learn more here.
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You might’ve heard of the 50/20/30 rule. The 50/20/30 is a budgetary rule stating that you should not exceed 50% of your take-home pay on needs. Everything you need to live, like your home mortgage/rent, utilities, groceries, gas, car payments, and insurance, should all be covered by 50% of your income.
30% is devoted to your wants, like streaming subscriptions, eating out, vacations, shopping, etc., and should not exceed 30% of your take-home pay.
The 20% pertains to savings. You should set aside 20% of your income for your emergency fund, retirement, and additional investments you’re pursuing.
There’s no cut-and-dried budgeting rule here; it comes down to the individual household.
Some people have mountains of debt and a desperate need to save. They might try to spend below 50% on needs and increase the 20% for savings. The rule can serve as a helpful guideline, but it’s crucial to be flexible when necessary.
However, with increasing costs, following this budgetary model can require greater sacrifices than it did just a few years ago.
If you’re new to budgeting, start with these helpful resources:
- Military Budgeting and Money Saving Tips: 12 Unique Strategies to Acheive Your Goals
- 3 Tips and Tools to Build Your Spending Plan
- How Much Rent Can I Afford?
- 5 Steps to Balance Your Home Buying Dream Against Your Budget Reality
Run the Numbers
Determining how much you should spend on housing is one of the hardest things to do when moving to a new duty station, isn't it? The pressure of wanting to save and craving a home with all the bells and whistles come head to head, declaring war in your mind.
Take the emotion out with this step-by-step approach:
1. How much is your BAH?
How much are you working with here? While it shouldn't be the be-all, end-all of your budget, your BAH sets a pretty good foundation. Check your current BAH rate here with this BAH calculator.
2. How much are utilities?
The average cost of utilities in the U.S. is between $562 to $637. Crazy, right? Once upon a time, everyone budgeted about $100 a month for utilities. Now, experts say to expect to pay about $328.03 for essential utilities (not including phone and extras like streaming services) a month. But this number boils down to where you live.
The World Population Review provides helpful insight into the cost-of-living index across the U.S.:
Hawaii rings the bell at an overall 179 cost-of-living index. Utilities are 141.1, groceries are 125.76, and housing costs are 309.7. But don’t worry, Hawaii has the highest cost-of-living index in the U.S., so nearly anywhere else you live should be a little easier on your pocket. Mississippi sits on the other end of the spectrum with an 85.3 cost-of-living index. Utilities are 86.1, groceries are 97.1, and housing costs are 68.6.
Texas is 93, North Carolina is 96.1, and California is 134.5. But again, the cost of living depends on the region in which you live.
Want to stretch your dollar? Save on utilities with these money-saving tips:
- Use energy-efficient light bulbs.
- Get a smart thermostat.
- Hang insulated curtains.
- Replace your water heater if it’s more than ten years old.
- Unplug electronics when you’re not using them.
- Invest in solar panels for your house.
- Replace your furnace’s air filter four times a year (every three months).
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3. Where do you want to live in proximity to the base?
Proximity to the military installation is everything when stationed in a major city like Washington, DC, or San Diego. The cost of being close to the base is astronomically higher than living somewhere out of the main metropolitan area. Take Camp Pendleton, for example. It’s not even located in San Diego (40 miles north) and has a wide range of housing prices.
Outside the main gate, Oceanside has a median house value of $854,000, while Temecula, a few miles northeast (and away from the coastline), is $750,000. While location is a huge selling point when looking for a home, so are the amenities. Central air conditioning is an expected amenity in Temecula, and nearly every home has it. However, homes in Oceanside are a hit or miss. The key takeaway: look carefully at listings!
In cases like this, determine if living a couple of miles from the base or getting a potentially larger house and more amenities is a higher priority.
Pro tip: Look at gas prices to ensure you'll save money living further from the base rather than redirecting it to another expense.
4. What are your must-haves?
The last thing to budget for is amenities. Start with the big things like the type of property (condo, apartment, single-family home) you want or need. Then, move down to the number of bedrooms and bathrooms you need to be comfortable. Lastly, look at the details.
Everything has a price. If a fenced-in yard, pool, fitness center, proximity to great schools, and a two-car garage are critical to you, that helps narrow your budget and your search. While some perks may fit within your budget, others won't. This step, saying no to the extra amenities, tests your financial planning.
Fitting everything you want and need into a reasonable budget that reflects your financial goals for the future is easier said than done. On paper, it’s easy, but when it comes time to pick and choose the details, it gets complicated. Remember, when done correctly, a well-planned budget can help relieve financial stress, making those sacrifices here and there feel less like sacrifices and more like a good investment.