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August 07, 2024

    Options for Military Homeowners When Your Home Won't Sell

    After months on the market, your home is just not attracting the buyers you’d hoped for. An impending PCS date is creeping up, and the need to sell is becoming more urgent. Although you thought you did everything right to prepare and advertise the house the first time, there are likely some improvements you could make if you dug a little deeper and adjusted the marketing plan.

    If you've determined you’ve done all you can to ensure a successful sale and the house remains on the market, know that you have options to move forward. Alternate selling scenarios need thoughtful consideration because they aren’t ideal, but some choices are less drastic than others. Military members working on a tight timeline or in a situation where a PCS has dictated a move while the house is undervalued will feel their choices are even more limited.

    Before making a drastic home selling decision, review these articles for more information about marketing your home. 

    But if you're ready to move on, here's some guidance for revamping your home selling strategy and determining the best alternative if you cannot sell your property.

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    Photo from Shutterstock

    Evaluate Your Home Selling Strategy

    Before upending your selling tactics, ask yourself these questions.

    Have you:

    • Determined the correct asking price for your home? Houses linger when the price is too high.
    • Created and executed the best marketing plan possible? Remember that clear photos are everything to buyers.
    • Decluttered, cleaned, and freshened the exterior curb appeal? Poor showings lead to zero offers.
    • Considered an expert home stager? They're well worth an initial consultation.

    If you’ve answered yes to all of the questions and feel the only way to achieve a sale is to make major changes, then read on. There are more options to consider.

    Interview for a new real estate agent.

    Maybe you were initially pressured into using your cousin’s brother’s daughter as representation. This time, invest energy into finding a real estate professional who's at the top of their game and comes highly recommended by friends and family multiple times.

    As you look for a new agent, be aware that some might be interested in telling you only what you want to hear because they recognize your desperation to sell. The best agents will be honest, possibly suggesting that your marketing plan is lacking and offering to show you how they could improve it or help revamp your timeline. 

    Wait for a better selling season.

    There are dozens of reasons why a house doesn’t sell, but selling at the wrong time is a hard reason to swallow if a military relocation is dictating the move. Weather, holidays, too much inventory, interest rates, and buyer demands are just a few explanations.  Homeowners can’t always predict when their market is hot. Sometimes, it makes sense to wait on the sale.

    The agent can also help devise a new strategy for waiting, which could include becoming a landlord or finding tenants interested in a rent-to-own situation.

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    Photo from Canva

    Become a landlord.

    Becoming a landlord is common and often a likely scenario for military homeowners. The lack of a home sale revolving around a PCS date is a significant factor, but some servicemembers consider real estate part of their overall investment strategy

    Although taking on renters is a popular option, landlords shouldn’t be hands-off during this process. Landlords must be prepared financially and legally in circumstances caused by neglectful tenants or many other factors, from pest infestation to faulty appliances.

    As the homeowner, you probably tried to sell because PCS orders called for a long-distance move. This is an added challenge because geography transforms you into a long-distance landlord with the inherent difficulties that it entails. Or, the relocation puts you in the market to hire a reputable property manager, thereby increasing the costs of renting your home. Either way, as a first-time landlord, there is much to learn. Start with this free guide from MilitaryByOwner: 

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    Alternatives to Selling Your Home

    Hiring a new real estate agent, waiting to sell your home, and becoming a landlord are three possibilities to remedy a stalled home sale. Other options are less than ideal, but these choices can stop financial bleeding and help avoid foreclosure. When considering these last-resort options, getting professional financial and real estate guidance is best.

    Sell for less than market value.

    You might believe you've set the best price already, but it’s time to scrutinize the money trail once again. At this point, breaking even is the best option, but getting close to that number is also a good place to be. Selling for less than market value is never the best choice, but sometimes, it’s the only solution that works during a constrained time frame or stressed financial situation.

    There will always be bargain hunters, so prepare for the transaction to occur quickly. Individual buyers aren’t the only ones interested in a great deal; real estate investors and companies that buy distressed homes are also ready to make an offer.

    Take out another mortgage.

    Although an additional mortgage seems counterintuitive, a second mortgage could generate cash for homeowners trying to sell because of financial difficulties. Home equity loans and refinancing mortgage rates are possibilities, but conferring with a financial professional is recommended. At best, another mortgage should be viewed as a quick fix that shouldn’t be depended on to rectify larger issues.

    Consider a short sale with support from federal programs.

    When your home is worth less than the mortgage, and buyers are nowhere in sight, a cautiously considered short sale could be the answer. A "short sale" occurs when a home is sold for less than the amount due on the mortgage, sold as is. See What Is a Short Sale? A Guide for Military Home Sellers for more details.

    Although it's usually recommended to avoid a short sale, there are advantages to it vs. potnetially going through a foreclosure, especially for a military member concerned about keeing a security clearance. The owner’s credit report notes a successful short sale as a pre-foreclosure redemption. This may impact the credit score negatively, but the short sale status will change to "discharged" after the sale. The owner may apply for another mortgage in about 18 months if all goes well.

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    Photo from Shutterstock

    Federal Housing Finance Agency

    The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) helps military homeowners with mortgages owned by Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. In 2012, changes were made to address the hardships incurred because of PCS.

    Servicemembers who have PCS orders are:

    • Eligible for a short sale immediately, regardless if current or past due on their existing mortgage.
    • Exempt from deficiency judgments from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac if they receive permission for a short sale from the FHFA.
    • Relieved of any request or requirement for a cash contribution or promissory note so long as the property was purchased on or before June 30, 2012 (to apply personal assets to cover the shortfall after outstanding unpaid principal balance and sales price).

    Additional information and alternate military member programs are available at 1-877-MIL-4566 or 1-800-FREDDIE.

    Homeowners Assistance Program

    In 1966, Congress enacted the conventional version of the Homeowners Assistance Program (HAP) to mitigate the negative effects base realignments and closures (BRAC) had on servicemembers' ability to sell their homes for market value. The HAP relieved those who experienced a financial loss while selling their primary residence during a BRAC process.

    At this time, HAP applications are only accepted from wounded, injured, or ill applicants and surviving spouses.

    Ultimately, there are options for selling your home if the traditional methods are unsuccessful. Before deciding to investigate a short sale or become a landlord, review tried-and-true standards for selling your home quickly and lucratively.

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    when your home wont sell options for military homeowners

    Dawn M. Smith


    Dawn M. Smith

    Dawn is a real estate and military life writer who has a serious HGTV habit. When she is not writing, her teen daughter, Army husband, and golden retriever keep her busy through chauffeur duties, travel planning, and long dog walks. Dawn is pleased to share her experiences with MilitaryByOwner readers who are hoping to simplify military family journeys of all kinds. Follow Dawn on Pinterest for more ideas and resources and visit her site at Dawn M. Smith Custom Content Creation.