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December 15, 2023

    Should Renters Have a Pet Resume?

    • Higher education graduate.
    • Friendly, pleasant demeanor.
    • Superior concentration skills.
    • Intensely loyal and eager to learn. 
    • Maintains active, healthy lifestyle.

    All of these descriptions sound like attractive qualities that would be noted on an employment or student application or included in a personal reference, right? 

    That’s the point! But these notes aren’t for humans, they’re meant to showcase pets: cats, dogs, birds, and even snakes. Points similar to these make up the content for a successful pet resume. As much as military renters move, we need an upper hand for finding rental houses that accept animals, and a pet resume might be the tool that wins the contract. 

    Should Renter Have a Pet Resume

    Now, more than ever, pet owners are taking tenancy into their own hands by painting their pets in the best light by preparing creative, informative, and rental agreement-sealing resumes. They’ve become so prevalent that Google offers a pet resume template. 

    As you write your pet’s resume, consider the problems that property owners have with allowing pets. They want to avoid damage, noise, disease, and odor. Tailor the resume to address these concerns. 

    child holding pet turtle

    Photo by Fernando Maté on Unsplash

    Why should you have a pet resume? 

    When you're looking for a rental home that allows pets, there are likely multiple applications pending for the owner’s review. 

    A pet resume sets your family apart from the rest of the pack and appears memorable among a stack of common applicants. It might turn out that the rental house ultimately isn’t the perfect fit, but you’ll have made a positive impression on the off chance that you’ll be in consideration for unknown circumstances in the future. For example, if the landlord owns multiple properties and you’ve taken the time to submit a pet resume, they might now be comfortable sharing upcoming vacancies. 

    Investing the time into creating a pet resume also demonstrates to the property manager that you’re dedicated, responsible, and attentive, which translates into the knowledge that as a renter, you’re willing to take care of the overall upkeep of the home. 

    Need help finding a rental home that allows pets? Try Tips for Finding a Pet-Friendly Rental Home.

    What should you include on your pet resume?

    1) A picture or two.

    Find your sweetest picture with your pet looking friendly and clean! The photo is the first impression of your animal, and it can help overcome bias, especially concerning typically banned breeds of dogs or unusual pets such as reptiles.

    Depending on the length of your resume, you may want to include a picture of a secure home enclosure if your pet requires one. A landlord is most worried about the damage an on-the-loose animal can inflict on the house if an accidental escape occurs. 

    two guinea pigs eating carrot

    Photo by Bonnie Kittle on Unsplash

    2) Your pet’s particulars. 

    Listing your pet’s name provides a connection to familiarity, and identifying the age may soothe worries destruction caused by younger pets. Include info such as: 

    Type of animal, if not obvious from the picture. 

    Many property managers are not familiar with reptiles or other less common pets. Providing the species of the animal allows the manager to do their own research before making a decision. 

    Size and weight.

    Some property owners aren’t familiar with breeds of dogs and cats and don’t realize their size. Listing these facts could prove useful to educate owners on the how much space the animal actually needs.  

    brown tabby kitten

    Photo from Unsplash

    Male or female.

    Really, this is just an additional personal detail to help the deciding manager connect with your pet. 


    Although you may be tempted to conceal the breed of your dog for various reasons, it isn’t wise. Renters have little recourse if the homeowner finds out the dog is living there illegally. They may simply be upholding a local banned breed law. Add a couple of lines to highlight the breed’s best qualities that relate to living inside a home. A quiet, couch potato dog is very appealing to a landlord. 

    3) Health and training records.

    This is the category to really emphasize. List any training your animal has been through, especially for dogs. From puppy school to intense agility training, include any schooling that shows your dog is obedient and trained to have great manners. orange and white tabby cat sitting on brown wooden table in kitchen room

    Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash

    Document a consistent track record of flea and tick preventative for cats and dogs. A list of vaccines and shots is also important for the domestic animals that require them. It’s also smart to add in a note of recommendation from your veterinarian, groomer, or a previous landlord who vouches for your pet’s demeanor and behavior. 

    Include a note about the daily routine of the animal to show that enough exercise and attention is given each day. A happy, healthy pet is more likely to be quiet and content during the day when the renter is away working. Let your landlord know if you intend to hire a pet sitter for routine care, as that can provide more peace of mind. If you happen to work from home, even better— this lets your landlord know you’ll be home to deter loud yowling or barking. 

    Golden Retriever lying on bed

    Photo by BRUNO CERVERA on Unsplash

    If the concept of a pet resume stills sounds a little over the top to you, consider it similar to the heartfelt letters that home buyers sometimes submit to sellers who have the task of choosing among multiple offers. The right letter seals the deal, just as a well written pet resume can turn the heart of a property owner. If the owner is still on the fence, and your finances permit, offer to pay a pet/cleaning fee or a monthly pet rent. 

    Learn more about pet rent: Understanding Pet Fees, Pet Deposits, and Pet Rent.

    MilitaryByOwner knows that military families love their pets and consider their happiness during PCS moves whether renting, buying, or flying! Subscribe to our blog and stay updated with more info written specifically with your pet in mind.

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    Dawn M. Smith


    Dawn M. Smith

    Dawn is a real estate and military life writer who has a serious HGTV habit. When she is not writing, her teen daughter, Army husband, and golden retriever keep her busy through chauffeur duties, travel planning, and long dog walks. Dawn is pleased to share her experiences with MilitaryByOwner readers who are hoping to simplify military family journeys of all kinds. Follow Dawn on Pinterest for more ideas and resources and visit her site at Dawn M. Smith Custom Content Creation.