PCA Orders: Can I Get Out of My Lease?
PCS MovesDo you know the difference between a PCS move and a PCA? Here’s what to know, including whether or not you can break a lease on PCA orders.
Do you know the difference between a PCS move and a PCA? Here’s what to know, including whether or not you can break a lease on PCA orders.
Learn to spot rental red flags and protect yourself from scams when searching for military housing. Discover tips for identifying warning signs in rental listings.
If you're renting a house or an apartment, do you need renters insurance to protect your belongings? Find out all you should know about renters insurance.
The perks of owning a home are frequently cited in comparison to renting. Get insights to help military families make informed housing decisions.
Finally, renters can use their rent payment history to boost their credit scores and ratings. Here's what you need to know about rental payment services.
If your military rental or housing has an unused room, don't waste the opportunity to transform it into a space your whole family will love. Turn that formal dining or living area into a room you'll a...
Learn what military members can expect in the 2025 real estate market, including trends for home buyers, sellers, and renters.
Are pet fees necessary or legal? Renters wonder if they’re necessary when they're already paying a security deposit.
What landlords should understand about the legal reasons to deny a rental application, landlord and tenant rights, tenant screening, and understanding tenant protections under Fair Housing Laws.
Can you negotiate your rent? You might be surprised! Save money with these strategies.
The competitive rental market requires some finesse. Here’s what you need to know as a military member looking for your first rental home.
Explore the pros and cons of living in military housing versus living off base. Make an informed decision for your next move.
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