12 Tips to Make the Most of the "Adopt A Service Member" Program
Military LifeProviding a service member a home away from home during the holiday season could be a great experience for both of you!
Providing a service member a home away from home during the holiday season could be a great experience for both of you!
Need some Southern charm? Take a tour of these homes for sale near Montgomery in Prattville, Alabama.
Thank you to all veterans and service members, past and present, on this Veterans Day.
Fall is in the air! Make the most of your military family's budget when visiting your local pumpkin patch.
Is Halloween fun possible without spending a fortune? We've collected some spooktacular ideas that won't break your military family's budget!
Heading to the Montgomery area? Take a tour of this beautiful home available right now on MilitaryByOwner!
Military members and families often view the 20-year service milestone as an ending, while others continue serving. Jump into a conversation with a milspouse who's made the most of long-term service!
Tour three beautiful homes with to-die for master suites and baths--all available on MilitaryByOwner right now!
If your military family and friends have a few football fanatics among them, use these tips to plan your best couchgating party ever!
It's hard to believe it's the 16th anniversary of 9/11. Honor the first responders in your area with these ideas.
Your home's been sitting on the market longer than you'd like. Maybe it's time to try a different home selling tactic.
Dreaming of beach living? Take a tour of homes near Eglin AFB, Florida!
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