9 Tips for Starting a Veteran-Owned Business
Military LifeStarting your own business can seem daunting, but these tips for veteran-owned businesses will give you a great place to begin.
Starting your own business can seem daunting, but these tips for veteran-owned businesses will give you a great place to begin.
You've seen the "We Buy Homes" signs around. But are they a best bet for a quick home sale?
Stationed at or near US Coast Guard Station Panama City, Florida? Adventure awaits off the beaten path with these ideas!
Are you the parent of a military kid? Don't miss Chameleon Kids, a great resource for military families!
Think you can't afford a waterfront home in Florida? Think again and check out these homes for rent or sale near Eglin AFB and Hurlburt Field!
If you're planning to buy a home or get a VA home loan, do you know what your credit report should contain?
Join MilitaryByOwner Advertising at the upcoming Army Wife Network's Battle Buddies at Eglin/Hurlburt, Florida!
When selling your home, don't miss out on opportunities to market your home on social media.
You may have heard of this newly introduced piece of legislation, but what is really laid out in the proposed Military Family Stability Act of 2015?
Before you set out on your house hunting adventure, make sure you're not making these common home buying mistakes!
While buying a home at auction might seem like a great bargain, keep these tips in mind before venturing out!
The transition from active duty to military retirement is not always easy. Consider more than geography when planning for your future!
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