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    What to Expect When You PCS to San Diego

    Sunny San Diego sits along miles of beautiful coastline just north of the U.S./Mexico border and is a dream PCS destination for many military families.

    Here's what you can expect when making a military move to San Diego. 

    San Diego pier, beach, and ocean at sunset with textbWhat to Expect When You PCS to San DiegoMilitary installations in or near San Diego:

    San Diego Housing and Commuting Options

    Despite hundreds of homes available throughout 25 privatized military communities in the San Diego area, the demand for military rentals and homes for sale remains large, particularly as the warm and welcoming city attracts so many military families back after the end of their military career. 

    Organized as a city of villages, San Diego offers a variety of housing options, but expect a commute to work. According to the 2023 American Community Survey, the average commute in the U.S. is 26 minutes each way. San Diego is not far behind, with an average commute of almost 25 minutes.

    If you’ve lived in other large cities where public transportation has allowed you to live further from work to save time and money, know that this isn’t one of those cities. The primary mode of transportation is by car. Three to five percent commute by bike, and about 10 percent commute by bus. The trolleys aren’t an option for those located outside of downtown, and given that the average commute by bus is 125 minutes (eek!), including walking to the bus, waiting for the bus, and the ride itself, it isn’t a good option for most military families, either.

    city highways crisscrossing with trafficPhoto from Canva

    San Diego houses can be pricey. The average family spends 30 to 35 percent of their income on their mortgage or rent. And though military families calculate housing expenses differently than civilian families, keep this figure in mind if you plan to rent or sell your home after you PCS from the area. 

    As for rental prices, the average price for a three-bedroom apartment is approximately $3,787/month, while it costs about $400 to $600 per square foot to buy a similar apartment. Take a look at the BAH rates for the area to get a better idea of how much you can expect to spend on housing in San Diego.

    Some sample BAH rates include: 

    • E-1 with dependents: $3,579
    • E-1 without dependents: $2,684
    • E-9 with dependents: $4,491
    • E-9 without dependents: $4,101
    • O-1 with dependents: $3,939
    • O-1 without dependents: $3,153
    • O-7 with dependents: $5,334
    • O-7 without dependents: $4,404

    Wondering what your current San Diego BAH rate will be? Find out with our BAH calculator. 

    Military Spouse Employment

    The defense industry significantly affects the city's economy, supporting countless businesses and jobs. Home to much of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, San Diego also houses many defense contractor companies. As with Orlando, Florida, the defense industry has taken up residence in a tourist haven, as cruise ships and the city’s attractions entice tens of millions of tourists annually.

    As of 2024, the unemployment rate in San Diego sits at 4.9 percent, which is lower than the unemployment rate of 4.2 throughout the U.S, making this an above average location for military spouses to find employment.

    Things to Do in San Diego

    Though known for its impeccable coastline, the beach isn’t the only great geographical attraction in San Diego. One of the predominant features of the San Diego landscape is its hills, which make for great hiking. San Diego also has one of the best park systems in the U.S., making it an attractive place for military families who love the outdoors.

    desert trail with hikers with ocean in background near San DiegoPhoto from Canva

    But don’t overlook the man-made attractions. With incredible shopping, incredible restaurants, and destinations like Legoland, Sea World, the San Diego Zoo & Safari Park, Balboa Park, and more, the opportunity for fun and adventure is limitless. 

    Learn more about this amazing area:

    Get our free guide to San Diego below to find out everything you need to know before you make the PCS move to this exciting Golden State city!

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    Danielle Keech


    Danielle Keech

    Danielle Keech is a writer and content creator for MilitaryByOwner Advertising. She writes on military life topics, highlights clients’ open houses on social media, and manages the Military PCS Facebook group. She especially enjoys covering financial topics and helping military families exercise financial responsibility and plan for the future. Danielle has been a Marine Corps spouse for ten years (and counting!) and is a momma to four littles and one fur baby. She and her pilot spouse have lived in Virginia, Florida, Texas, California, Hawaii, and, most recently, Okinawa, Japan. And yes, you guessed it, Hawaii is her favorite duty station to date! Find MilitaryByOwner's Millitary PCS group here.