What You Should Know Before Building a Home
Home MaintenanceIf you've never worked through the home-building process before, it can be a bit overwhelming. Get some tips from this featured guest blogger!
If you've never worked through the home-building process before, it can be a bit overwhelming. Get some tips from this featured guest blogger!
If you're relocating to the Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point area in North Carolina, take a peek at this home for sale on MilitaryByOwner!
Take a look at this gorgeous home for sale near Fort Benning, Georgia.
Moving to or simply dreaming of sunny California living? Take a tour of this beautiful San Diego home, available now on MilitaryByOwner!
While a home with land surrounding it sounds idyllic, there are some practical considerations when it comes to buying acreage!
If a PCS to Washington state is in your future, check out this home for sale and other listings on MilitaryByOwner.
While the last thing on your mind when buying a home is renovation, mentally prepping for a little work might help yield a great deal while you're househunting.
For VA home loan buyers, purchasing a foreclosure can be challenging, but not impossible. With these tips, you could walk away with a great home at a good price.
Military orders have you headed to WPAFB, Ohio? Check MilitaryByOwner's listings for this and other homes in the area.
MilitaryByOwner features homes for every type of homebuyer, including these million dollar listings!
How you can decide whether you should buy a home? And when you do make the decision, if you've never bought a home before...where do you even start?
Wondering what the MRP certification for Realtors means? Find out why you may want to consider using a Military Relocation Professional for YOUR next PCS move.
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