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    February 23, 2022

    Which PCS Move Expenses Are Tax Deductible?

    Military Life

    What if all the military allowances don't cover your PCS move expenses? A special section of the US tax law allows active duty military members who move on PCS orders to deduct unreimbursed moving exp...

    January 05, 2022

    BAH Changes and Updates for 2022

    Military Life

    Every year we see the BAH fluctuate, sometimes in our favor and sometimes, not so much. And this year might be the most anticipated one yet as the housing market continues to be challenging. 

    December 03, 2021

    What to Know About Being a Geo-Bachelor

    Military Life

    It's not rare for a military member to live as a geo-bachelor for a time. If your family is currently going through a geographical separation, here's what you need to know!

    November 08, 2021

    2021 Veterans Day Discounts and Deals

    Military Life

    So many companies and local businesses are honoring our military this Veterans Day with discounts, giveaways, and goodies. Don't miss MilitaryByOwner's 2021 list!

    November 08, 2021

    What to Know About Living in Springfield, Virginia

    Military Life

    Springfield, Virginia, is a go-to city for military families headed to the Washington, D.C. area. Check out some of the reasons why.

    October 27, 2021

    Myths (and Realities!) of Managing Your Credit Score

    Military Life

    A good credit score makes it easier and less expensive to borrow money, but it also impacts insurance rates, job hunting, deposits for utilities, and even your security clearance as a military member....

    October 11, 2021

    Top 6 Ghost Tours Near Military Installations

    Military Life

    If you like the spooky aspects of Halloween and find yourself stationed near one of these 6 military bases, join in one of these popular ghost tours!

    October 04, 2021

    Interesting and Unique Things to Do in Arlington, Virginia

    Military Life

    Arlington, Virginia, is one of the best places to live near Washington, D.C. Before your PCS, take a look at some of the best traditional and not-so-traditional things to do in Arlington.

    September 24, 2021

    6 Ways to Prepare for Your Spouse's Deployment

    Military Life

    Deployments are something military families learn to cope with. Start with these action steps and you'll find new confidence and independence to get through this time.

    September 10, 2021

    Remembering September 11: Stories from Military Families

    Military Life

    Never forget. Never again. It’s something we said in the days following 9/11, and it’s important to continue sharing our stories. I asked some military families what they remember about that day. Here...

    September 10, 2021

    How to Find the Best School Solution for Your Military Kids

    Military Life

    Whether it's a new school year or your military kids are moving mid-year, school concerns are part of a PCS move. We’ve got answers and resources to help military families find their best educational ...

    August 30, 2021

    Working for the DoD as a Civilian or Milspouse Overseas

    Military Life

    A move overseas doesn't have to be career-ending for a military spouse. If working for the DoD as a civilian or military spouse is one of your goals during your time abroad, these tips are for you.