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    March 02, 2020

    Options for Transporting Your Pet Overseas

    Military Life

    Military families regularly PCS with their pets, which includes moving overseas, or OCONUS. Whether you choose a private shipping company, commercial airline, or military flight, safe options are avai...

    February 21, 2020

    2020 Real Estate Trends for Military Members

    Military Life

    Take a look at a brief snapshot of the forecasted real estate landscape in 2020, and how these trends specifically affect military members. 

    January 03, 2020

    3 Things to Know About Selling Your Home When You're in the Military

    Military Life

    For military homeowners, there’s a lot to consider when selling their current home. Try these strategies from an experienced real estate agent.

    December 30, 2020

    4 Ways to Create Goals When You Don't Know What Military Life Will Bri...

    Military Life

    Military life can be uncertain. You may not know if you have a move, deployment, or family separation this year. How can you set goals?

    November 25, 2019

    Face Your Off-Season PCS Move with Confidence!

    Military Life

    Find all the ways you can embrace your off-season PCS move with these tips and resources from MilitaryByOwner.

    November 08, 2019

    Honoring Veterans on the Centennial Commemoration of Armistice Day

    Military Life

    Across the country on and around November 11, local, state, and federal entities recognize the sacrifices of our veterans, and in some cases, honor their families as well. From local celebrations in s...

    November 08, 2019

    Happy 244th Birthday, Marine Corps!

    Military Life

    here's to all our U.S. Marine Corps have accomplished and all the victories that are to come. Let’s join in the celebration and take a look at what these remarkable service men and women have done thi...

    November 07, 2019

    2019 Veterans Day Discounts & Freebies

    Military Life

    Take a moment to peruse our comprehensive annual list of Veterans Day Discounts and Freebies to see if any of them match a future outing for you! 

    October 28, 2019

    4 Reasons Being Stationed in San Diego Is Amazing!

    Military Life

    San Diego might possibly be the jackpot of all duty stations. While it could take some time to adjust to the California lifestyle initially, there’s no place like it. 

    October 23, 2019

    Working After PCS: Career Tips for Military Spouses

    Military Life

    The kids are in school, you’ve found your new favorite restaurant at your new duty station, and you’re settling in. Now it’s time to get to business, but you're stuck finding the right career opportun...

    October 09, 2019

    4 Tips for Settling in on the Flip Side of a PCS

    Military Life

    The flurry of moving is over, and now you're just facing a sea of boxes. Try these tips to get settled into your new home and community!

    September 27, 2019

    3 Factors to Consider Before Becoming a Landlord

    Military Life

    Serve long enough in the military, and you're bound to PCS. If you’ve purchased a home, you’ll likely be considering whether it makes sense to rent the home out and become a landlord or sell it as you...